The case has now opened a chasm. The question I asked myself not so much about the disqualification in itself I think is sacrosanct as the yardstick rather than imaginative and unique (we're a politically correct site!) Of the sports court.
will surely remember last year, Napoli-Juventus. The game know it all how it went, but some make you remember little or nothing of what was the action taken against the Olympic diver Zalayeta twice simulator. On that occasion our first judge gave him two match ban, then mysteriously changed his mind in action, "but you know, I have seen evil! The rigors there!" he said. Outstanding. I'm sure if she was concerned again there was also a risk that Buffon to give 5 days for unsportsmanlike conduct.
But this year has even evolved. We say that is passed to the next level as Goku in the famous cartoon Drangon Ball. The timeliness with which he has acted is impressive. The inter is going wrong, is so scandalous that even Mourinho can not do anything, the home draw with Genoa discovered nerves. So do not win. Fortunately, however, that our court intervenes handyman that this Sunday, however, that was really everywhere except at the San Siro. So here is the merciless cleaver hits the volleyball Gila (coincidentally jumps just the game against Inter), but not all.
Vucinic is also punished for a crime that really do not have because the penalty was sacrosanct and the simulation was not there. But the judge decided that there will not be with Samp, period. Do anything to scuttle the Rome: no matter if there were two penalties for the Rome data, no matter if
Floro Flores was fouled outside the 1 meter and rigor, however, if you still got the face of sportsmanship . Because he does not have to meet Inter and Inter, however, has helped itself by eliminating a possible opponent.
But the nice thing is that the hunting rivals Inter in crisis does not stop there. The revelation Lazio had to pay to the indignity of being so high. Two-match ban for Mauri and Foggia had simply said to the referee who has refereed this match in a scandalous way. Quest'arbitro very touchy!
But like any good artist more, if you write a masterpiece to last forever, and so after the referee had not punished Maicon and Diana for two interventions on killer Mesto and Nedved (someone explain to me then if you do not sport a goal of cutting by hand than risk his career to a colleague with interventions idiots!), our court to pronounce on the way to nudge the ball away from behind on the gypsy Ibra Motta: "Capture and examine the images on television (Sky, Rai and Mediaset) full warranty and technical documents; Note: the television pictures documenting that in the circumstances in question, during a maneuver to attack the International, the goalkeeper Genoa player, in a crowded penalty area, was preparing to grab the ball in slow downward when the player Ibrahimovic, comes from the left with the clear intention of bringing goalkeeper behind, collided with vehemence behind the player Motta, which comes in clear protection of their goalie, knocking him to the ground in pain. This behavior must be considered reprehensible and certainly not regulate for its free (the Inter player had no real chance to reach the ball) and the vehemence carried out with the right forearm against an opponent who turned their backs, but the judge believes that the gesture clearly unhealthy, the exclusion of every reasonable doubt, that "violent conduct "planned and sanctioned by art. 19 n. 3 letter. b) CGS, for constant guidance of the organs of justice is apparent only in acts which, divorced from any need to play, are potentially capable of undermining the opponent and to this end should be put in place
Resolution: not to take any disciplinary action against the football player Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Soc. International), following the recommendation of the federal prosecutor. "
Complimentoni! Sum so from today on the basis of this reasoning are justified in poking the ball away to pull their opponents because according to our dear and beloved judge that does not fall within the conduct violent. Postscript: This is obviously provided benefits only the company FC Internazionale Milano.
Seriously this court is something scandalous and the regularity with which it comes benefiting Inter and punishing its direct competitors than any statistics. Now as the old saying says: to think evil is a sin BUT IT IS OFTEN ... Azzecca.