Monday, April 19, 2010

Make A Paper Boat To Hold Pennies

work performed in area sports

Crisi.Probabilmente it is the word most frequently appeared in newspapers of our country in recent months. Five letters that contain the evidence, often dramatic, of
an economy that suddenly and for different reasons, began to starve and vacillare.Un phenomena: the economic crisis, which has spared almost no industry, coming to invest even the world of football as our national from corporate sponsorships.
Faced with this situation, the choice of the City Administration has been to encourage investment in local football structures, to promote youth activities, which is testimony to the sporting and social role that sport brings.
It began with the overthrow of the fence, outlining all the sports area of \u200b\u200bour property, then the burial of the entire system to avoid fluttering of electrical cables, the separation of the fields in each sector, the demolition of the old skating rink located in the entrance area, and finally the paving of the entrance of the locker room.
The work has cost about fifty thousand euro and have been contracted to a local firm.
They worked together with volunteers who have contributed to giving helpful suggestions.
All this to offer students the chance to grow in a healthy system of rules, helping them to have respect for oneself, others and their bodies.
ultimately fosters the emergence of a consciousness of identity and multi-racial and multi-cultural in a modern community foundations are now unavoidable.

Amadio Mori
(Councillor sport)
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