"Bread and the Internet: lessons for surfing and live with the network" is an initiative under way that aims to encourage, through free training courses, access to and use of computers and the Internet, considered prerequisite for the social and economic development of every citizen.
"Bread and the Internet" is a project of training and awareness of information technology, promoted and financed by the Emilia-Romagna, in collaboration with several local players that support the project activities in the territory (Provinces, Municipalities and Associations).
Aimed at adult citizens, preferably over 45, who want to acquire the basic knowledge to use the Internet to the needs of life such as: contact, communicate with others and learn new skills to access services (e-government, home-banking, online shopping, e-mail) and information today made available online, with particular attention to those offered by the Public Administration.
The free course of 20 hours is held in the computer room made available by the Comprehensive Gualtieri in the afternoon. For the location of
Gualtieri, given the high number of signatures collected were organized two training courses and extent of the organization is considering two other courses. Places are Spent the day in which we go to press.
For more information, please visit: www.paneeinternet.it
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