Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Yabusame The ceremony is the art of archery performed by a Japanese rider to gallop must hit a target located along a path to follow.
is a Japanese martial art derived from KYUDO
The sport requires considerable skill in riding is that in pulling it, to handle the arc, the rider has both hands full and can not hold the reins, so it must be held in the saddle with his bare legs. Consider that the shooting is done with the horse galloping in a long lane. The arrows are not used but the tip end with ovoid swelling that prevents any damage of a very precise shot. I have two targets to hit, placed 50 meters apart. Once the first shot, the archer must Nock and a second arrow, within a few seconds, re-roll to the second target. Judges stationed on the route that signal the outcome of the shot.
This discipline originated in the Kamakura period (1192 - 1334), and was born as a kind of entertainment offered to the gods. How kyudo is deeply imbued with the concepts of Zen philosophy and like all martial arts is not just an exercise in skill but also an initiatory path of spiritual elevation.
can practice Yabusame even women who wear the same opportunity as men, sumptuous costumes of thirteenth-century style. Even the trappings of horses and all the equipment to reproduce extreme detail of the original time, depicted in countless paintings.


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